Until further notice we will not be shipping orders
under £135 (about $180 USD) to the United Kingdom.

Sorry, still no change on this as of 5-10-2021

See info from your government's website below. We may not be able to sell you anything.

We received this notice on 1-10-2021:

Effective Jan 1, 2021, value added tax (VAT) must be collected for all goods entering the United Kingdom (UK).

There will be a 20% VAT rate on goods valued up to £135 (about $180 USD), which you must collect unless your online marketplace (e.g. eBay, Amazon, Etsy, etc.) is already collecting it. Current procedures for goods valued over £135 remain the same.

To prevent your UK shipments from being delayed, held, or returned by UK customs in 2021, please take the following steps:

1. Register for a VAT number with the UK: https://www.gov.uk/vat-registration

2. Collect VAT at the time of purchase.

3. Make quarterly VAT return payments to the UK.

In addition, you should include your VAT number on your customs declarations. This process will vary depending on your shipping software, so be on the lookout for instructions early next year.

They sent this to us on the 10th of Jan. 2021 and still left the last sentence wrong... "early next year"

So now, for the privilege of selling you something, we are supposed to be the tax collector for the UK as well as the Sales Tax Collector for the US and not be compensated for for this service. Sounds like SLAVERY to me, not to mention violation of the minimum wage laws.

On top of not being compensated, we have to pay the credit card processors 3%+ to process the tax payment.

Or we can list it with BIG TECH, pay them up to 20% commission, fill their coffers, screw you and me, and let them collect it.

From your your government's website

According to this the $185.00 threshold does not apply

Businesses outside the UK
There’s no threshold if neither you nor your business is based in the UK. You must register as soon as you supply any goods and services to the UK (or if you expect to in the next 30 days).

9. Non-established-taxable-persons (NETPs) - basic information
9.1 NETP – definition
A non-established taxable person (NETP) is any person who is not normally resident in the UK, does not have a UK establishment and, in the case of a company, is not incorporated in the UK.

9.2 UK establishment: definition
A UK establishment exists if either the:

place where essential management decisions are made and the business’s central administration is carried out is in the UK
business has a permanent physical presence with the human and technical resources to make or receive taxable supplies in the UK
We would normally consider a company which is incorporated in the UK to have an establishment in the UK as long as it’s able to receive business supplies at its registered office.

9.3 When an NETP must register for VAT in the UK
If you make any taxable supplies (see paragraph 2.3) in the UK, you must:

register for VAT in the UK
account for UK VAT to HMRC

2.3 Taxable supplies
A taxable supply is any supply made in the UK which is not exempt from VAT. Taxable supplies include those which are zero-rated for VAT.

A supply which is not VAT-exempt is always a taxable supply whether or not the person making it is registered for VAT.

However, you do not have to account for VAT on the taxable supplies you make when both of the following apply:

you’re not required by law to be VAT registered

you have not registered for VAT voluntarily

If then the value of the taxable supplies you make is over a specified threshold you must register for VAT

you’re an NETP (see section 9), and you make any taxable supplies in the UK, regardless of their value and including supplies of digital services you must register for VAT

you’re registered for VAT you must account for VAT on all the taxable supplies you make (apart from the zero-rated ones) from the date that you’re first registered
In most cases, a ‘supply’ is the sale of goods or services, including sale by barter. It can also include ‘deemed supplies’. Deemed supplies include:

some services you receive from overseas (see VAT Notice 741: place of supply of services-before 1 January 2010, section 16) – although you receive the supply, you’re deemed also to have made it

where you use your own labour to construct a building for your own business use, you are, in certain circumstances, deemed to have supplied the value of the labour (see VAT Notice 708: buildings and construction, section 25)

receipt of specified goods and services which are subject to the domestic reverse charge (see VAT Notice 735: VAT domestic reverse charge on specified goods and services)

Contact the VAT helpline for further advice if you think this applies to you.